Welcome to The Rooster Crows, brought to you by Lawrence Park Community Church.
Today, we are with Camp Scugog! It is a special place that holds a piece of our hearts in the LPCC
community, and we hope to share why that is with you all right now.
Summer camps are a major part of the ministry of the United Church of Canada. The UCC currently
runs over 50 camps across Canada, with a huge range in ages and interests. There are camps focused on
wilderness exploration, arts and music, those specialized for LGBTQ kids, and more.
What is special about summer camp? And what is special about Camp Scugog? Grab your sleeping bags
and your bug spray, and let’s go find out.
Joining us today are Camp Scugog’s Dana Leahey, Camp Director; Carol Rhynas, Assistant Director;
and Emily Clark, Development Officer.
Host: Rev. Roberta Howey
Musical Interlude: "When a Poor One" by Hubert Razack