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This week we welcomed the Premiere's announcement and communication and the direction given by Public regarding the returning of places of Worship. Physical distancing measures must be in place with 30% capacity allowed in the space at this time. Currently the GTA is still under the guidelines that a group of 10 can meet safely at this time. 
The Returning Committee met this week to discuss geering up and working though all the details to safely have members return. Our first and foremost responsibility is keeping everyone healthy and safe. 
John Suk met with the North Toronto Cluster of Churches this week and we are all of the same mind to take this slowly, so we can tell you right now that this is not going to happen tomorrow but in time we will be able to welcome people back to the church...possibly in the Fall. 
One thing we have learned is that we will continue to stream our Sunday Services even when we begin to welcome you all back to the building. We will follow the guidelines set by the government and the United Church of Canada.

We would like your input so we will be sending out a survey in the next week to get some feedback from you.

Thank you for your continued support as we journey through this together.
If you have any questions or require assistance  - please feel free to give Michael a call  647 201 5335 or Click here to send me an email with your comments, concerns and questions.