For many people in Toronto, summer is the time to head out to the cottage, visit relatives, or perhaps spend the day at the golf course. At Lawrence Park Community Church, we understand. In fact, we have a saying here that goes like this: If you're here, we're glad; if you're not, we bless you!
In order to accomodate summer schedules, we've designed our summer services to be brief, relaxed, and inspirational. We gather in the sanctuary, as always. The seating is arranged in a more intimate semi-circle. The choir is off till the fall, but every Sunday we have a very accomplished soloist to help us worship. Coffee is served before and after services. The fellowship is wonderful.
To help plan your attendance, download our full summer schedule of topics, music, and guest speakers.
Lawrence Park Community Church meets every Sunday through the summer months at our regular worship time of 10:30 am.