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On Wednesday, February 19th at 7pm you are invited to a Candidates
Discussion at Lawrence Park Community Church (“LPCC”) at 2180
Bayview Avenue, North York. Doors open at 7pm for you to speak with
candidates directly. The formal meeting begins at 7:30pm.
The event will be attended by the public in person, and live-streamed Please share
this message with your friends and family living in Don Valley West. All
are welcome.
We have extended an invitation to all six (6) registered candidates.
We have received confirmation that the candidates from the Green,
Liberal and NDP parties will participate in this event.
The PC candidate has declined our invitation.
The New Blue candidate will be away.
The Independent candidate has yet to respond.
The topic of discussion for this debate will be affordable housing, the
compassionate care of Ontario’s homeless citizens and
improvements in Social Housing.
Would like to submit a question? If you would like to provide a
question for us to consider including in this discussion, please send it to
Rev. Stephen Milton at on or before Sunday,
February 16th. We will be finalizing the list of questions and sharing it
with the candidates on February 16th. Please write “DVW Question” in
the Subject line.

Background Information:

This event is being sponsored and organized by the North Toronto
Cluster of Churches group known as the Roehampton Friendlies which
was formed to help Shelter residents, and continues to focus on issues
affecting the under-housed and homelessness.
Background Information about the North Toronto Cluster of Churches:
Our church is one of the members of the North Toronto Cluster of United
Churches. We are located along the Yonge Street corridor from Bloor
Street to the 401. We also work in conjunction with the United Church of
Canada’s Regent Park Community Ministry, and the First Christian
Reformed Church. Many of our churches and members are located in
Don Valley West.
If you have any questions about this invitation, please reach out to
Wendy Dryden, a Rosedale United Representative to the Cluster by
email at
Thank you for your consideration of our invitation. We look forward to
seeing you on Wednesday evening.